
Himote House

The comedy anime centers on five girls and one cat all living as housemates in Nakano, Tokyo: the three Himote sisters (Tokiyo, Kinami, and Kokoro) whose family manages the "Himote House," Kokoro's classmates Tae and Minamo, and the cat Enishi. The girls live their daily lives trying to figure out ways to be popular, and they (and the cat) all possess a mysterious secret power... (Source: ANN)
Hikari is the best site to watch Himote House SUB online, or you can even watch Himote House DUB in HD quality.
Japanese: ひもてはうす
English: HIMOTE HOUSE: A share house of super psychic girls
Country: Japanese
Aired: 2018-10-08 to 2018-12-24
Premiered: Fall
Duration: 12 min per ep
Status: Finished
MAL Score: 5.67
Studio: Bouncy

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