
Konpeki no Kantai

Konpeki no Kantai is a Japanese alternate-history original video animation series produced by JC Staff. Based on a 1992 novel by Yoshio Aramaki, the series focuses on a technologically advanced Imperial Japanese Navy and a radically different Pacific War that was brought about by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's revival in the past due to unexplained circumstances. The series also features real-life 1940s figures whose first names were changed, such as Winston Churchill to Kingston Churchill and Adolf Hitler to Heinrich von Hitler. (Source: Wikipedia)
Hikari is the best site to watch Konpeki no Kantai SUB online, or you can even watch Konpeki no Kantai DUB in HD quality.
Japanese: 紺碧の艦隊
Synonyms: Deep Blue Fleet, Kompeki no Kantai
Country: Japanese
Aired: 1993-12-24 to 2003-08-22
Premiered: Winter
Duration: 40 min per ep
Status: Finished
MAL Score: 6.56
Studio: J.C.Staff
Producers: Tokuma Shoten

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