
Kenka Dokugaku

Bullied by his classmate and popular Newtube streamer Pakgo, Yoo Hobin spends his high school days suffering from humiliation and abuse. His troubles do not end there, though; outside of school, Hobin slaves away at a part-time job to pay for his mother's hospital bills. One day, Hobin accidentally spills ramen on Pakgo's cameraman Woo "Jiksae" Jihyeok, tripping over a cord and disconnecting the other boy from his gaming stream. Finally fed up with his miserable lifestyle, Hobin fights back and ends up in a pathetic brawl with Jiksae. The next morning, it is revealed that the camera from Jiksae's stream had been recording the two boys' entire embarrassing fight. Moreover, the footage was accidentally uploaded to Newtube and had gone viral overnight, earning Hobin a whopping ten million won from viewership. Drawn to the money Newtube streaming can offer him and his mother, Hobin works together with unlikely ally Jiksae to produce more videos of him fighting and see how far Newtube streaming can take them. Taking on bullies like Pakgo and other seemingly unsurpassable opponents, Hobin will either rise to the top of the streaming world or finally meet a foe he cannot outsmart.
TV Spring 2024 6.96

Estab-Life: Great Escape

In the distant future, the cities of Japan have been walled off and isolated from one another. Tourism and immigration are heavily controlled—if not impossible. Each region is overseen by an AI moderator that maintains its domain as it sees fit. These clusters are refined into a single ideal, with every citizen fulfilling their role in preserving the moderator's creation. But not everyone is satisfied with the narrowly focused vision of the city they were born in, and thus, they require some under-the-table help in relocating to a more appropriate cluster. During the day, Equa, Ferres, and Martese are ordinary high school students; but at night, they act as Extractors—people who illegally smuggle civilians between the city borders. Transporting those brave enough to leave everything behind, Equa and her friends risk their lives in order to give their clients a second chance. But the dangers of extraction begin to intensify when the cluster moderators become increasingly aware of the group's actions that threaten their perfect utopias.
TV Spring 2022 6.69


Set in a world where the concept of music ceases to exist. The story begins when a boy encounters Myuu, a mysterious girl who possesses an audio input jack in her body. The two intermingle with the history of rock music and embark on an unforgettable journey. (Source: MAL News)
TV Spring 2020 5.39

Night Head 2041

In the year 2041, World War III has wiped out two-thirds of the human population, and in the newfound structure, the belief in any god or beyond-human entity is considered a preposterous notion. In order to prevent citizens from bearing possibly incriminating thoughts, the government has assembled a Special Weapon Enforcement division to capture and rehabilitate such believers. The Kirihara brothers, Naoya and Naoto—who were hidden away from society by their captors for years to conceal their psychic abilities—were promised freedom once the world was ready to face their existence. Now, wandering in the appalling new societal climate where psychics are not welcome, the brothers find themselves on the run from the Enforcement's devoted operatives, Yuuya and Takuya Kuroki.
TV Summer 2021 6.5


TV Spring 2012

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