Appleseed (Movie)
Growing out of the chaos of a global war, the city of Utopia is populated by humans and bioroids (artificial humans). On the surface, everything is harmonious, but tensions lurk. Into this seemingly perfect society comes a survivor of the wars, Deunan Knute, who carries a legacy that will turn out to be of critical importance to the future of humanity.
(Source: ANN)
Winter 2004
As a child, Fuu "Potte" Sawatari and her late father would often visit his hometown of Takehara and take pictures of the surroundings together. Now, five years since their last visit, Fuu and her family have moved to the town so that she can start attending high school. Although her father has been deceased for some time, Fuu carries on his legacy through her love of photography and the pictures she takes with his old camera.
Believing that photographs have the power to turn the ordinary into something wonderful, Fuu and her friends grab every opportunity they can to capture the magic of everyday life on film and bring happiness to someone in the world who might need it.
Winter 2010
B-gata H-kei
Most people, including the girl herself, would say that first year high school student Yamada is beautiful and perfect. Despite this, she is working towards a peculiar goal: to have sex with one hundred men by the end of high school.
Trying to put some sense into her head, Yamada's best friend, Miharu Takeshita, points out a major flaw in that plan—she is completely inexperienced with men. However, the reason behind this is that Yamada thinks her lady parts look strange and believes others will judge her for it. As a result, Yamada decides that her first time must be with a fellow virgin, since they will not hurt or scare her. After a fateful encounter, she sets her sights on the shy and average Takashi Kosuda, an aspiring photographer with a heart of gold.
With contending rivals for his affection and her own raging hormones, Yamada must find ways to seduce Kosuda and take his cherry. However, as she gets closer to Kosuda, she finds herself increasingly enjoying their time spent together.
Spring 2010