Jouran: The Princess of Snow and Blood
In 1931, the Tokugawa Shogunate remains in power, marking the 64th year of the Meiji era. Holding a monopoly over the newly discovered "Dragon Vein," the government is leading Japan toward an advanced Edo period. During this time, an elite force of executioners called "Nue" is tasked with defending the Shogunate from a rebel institution known as the "Kuchinawa."
As the owner of the Tsuyukasa Bookshop, Sawa Yukimura runs the store's day-to-day business inconspicuously. But behind the scenes, she seeks vengeance against the man who slaughtered her tribe and family. With a special ability to transform granted by her blue blood, Sawa joins Nue after being promised information regarding the target of her revenge: Janome, the leader of the Kuchinawa.
Spring 2021
In the distant future, human beings have been forced to leave earth and migrate to another galaxy. An advanced team of spacecraft arrives at a planet that is to be terraformed. Each member of the team is output by a biological 3D printer.
(Source: Netflix)
Winter 2022
Boku ga Aishita Subete no Kimi e
A world where it has been established that people routinely swing between slightly different parallel worlds...
Koyomi Takasaki, who lives with his mother following his parents' divorce, enrolls in a local university prep school. Due to the atmosphere concentrated on studies and his social awkwardness, Koyomi is unable to make friends. One day, he is suddenly approached by his classmate Kazune Takigawa, who tells him that she has travelled from the 85th world where she and Koyomi are lovers.
(Source: MAL News)
Winter 2022
Pandora to Akubi
Pandora and Akubi form a team to find "The Pieces of Calamity" that have a great power to destroy the whole world. To find the pieces that have been scattered around various places, the two travel beyond dimensions.
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Winter 2019
Mou Ippon!
Winter 2023