A young engineer, Tetsurou Okino, is transferred to a vermin extermination company called Hato Industries with the new robot Bullbuster that he developed himself. There, Hato Industries, a small company with little money, and its president Tajima are against a mysterious creature. There are fuel costs for robots, labor costs for pilots, and of course, wasting even a single bullet is unacceptable. Between their ideals of extermination and the reality of budgets, what does the future hold for Hato?
(Source: Translated, edited from official website)
Fall 2023
NegaPosi Angler
The story follows Tsunehiro Sasaki, a depressed college student burdened with debt and being told that he only has two years left to live. After falling into the sea while on the run from debt collectors, Tsunehiro is rescued by friends Hana and Takaaki and soon becomes hooked on fishing himself.
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Fall 2024
Youjo Senki Movie
With its armies sweeping across the continent, the Empire seems unstoppable. After securing victory over the remnants of the Republic's army, the Empire's ultimate victory is finally within reach. However, dark clouds are gathering in the East. The communist-led Russy Federation is mustering troops on its western border, preparing to enter the war. Supported by a detachment of Allied volunteer magicians—among whom is Mary Sioux, the daughter of a soldier killed by Tanya Degurechaff—the Federation is determined to spread the communist creed and bring the Empire to its knees.
Meanwhile, Tanya and her battalion return to the imperial capital from the southern front. Upon their arrival, they are tasked with investigating troop movements on the border with the Federation. Any escalation of violence at this point may lead to new conflicts, plunging the world into a devastating global war.
Will the Empire eventually emerge victorious from its struggle, or will it crumble in the face of superior enemies and radically different ideologies?
Winter 2019
Youjo Senki: Sabaku no Pasta Daisakusen
The 203rd Air Mage Battalion led by Tanya is forced to fight in the southern desert, the front line. In an effort to provide some food for the harsh conditions, Colonel Rerugen sent dried pasta to the battlefield. Will Tanya and the others be able to eat the delicious pasta under the conditions of water shortage?
(Source: AniDB)
Winter 2021
FLCL: Shoegaze
Fall 2023
Blue Giant
Winter 2023
Youjo Senki
Winter 2017
FLCL Alternative
Winter 2018
Summer 2020
Youjo Senki II