Seizei Ganbare! Mahou Shoujo Kurumi
The anime centers around Kurumi Azuchimomoyama, a normal 14-year-old girl who attends Egaogaoka Middle School. One day, an angel named "Devilun" that looks like a Tasmanian devil appears before her, and grants her the power to be the beautiful magical girl dinosaur angel warrior "Prima Angel," and tells her to fight the evil "Darkness Whales" organization. She proceeds to indiscriminately take out Darkness Whales members with weapons that stink of blood. The protagonists are three boy classmates of Kurumi who watch the entire thing while not really doing anything.
(Source: ANN)
Winter 2017
Aware! Meisaku-kun
A long, long time ago, there was a prestigious school called "Ryuuguu Elementary School" that produced many masterpiece characters. One day, an ordinary boy named Meisaku Matsuda enrolled at the school. Little did he know that the place for learning was filled with crazy characters like Sweets, the energetic idiot; Musubi, a rice ball who gets angry when called "onigiri"; Nokio, a narcissistic self-proclaimed robot; and Bolt, who's clearly faster than a rabbit. Surrounded by such unique characters, will Meisaku be able to graduate as a splendid masterpiece character?
(Source: Anime News Network)
Spring 2016
Hyakushou Kizoku
Renowned manga artist Hiromu Arakawa has an unusual backstory: she used to work on a farm in Hokkaido, the food warehouse of Japan, for seven years! To her editor, Ishii, harvesting produce and milking cows are foreign concepts; but as the daughter of two multigenerational farmers, Arakawa is there to explain the challenging yet noble job of being a farmer.
Summer 2023
Hyakushou Kizoku 2nd Season
Fall 2024