Buddy Complex
When ordinary high school student Aoba Watase is suddenly targeted by a giant robot known as a "Valiancer," he is saved by his mysterious classmate Hina Yumihara. After revealing that she and their robotic enemy are from the future, Hina suddenly propels Aoba 70 years forward in order to prevent his death.
Upon arrival, Aoba finds himself in the cockpit of a Valiancer called "Luxon," stuck in the midst of a firefight between the military forces of the Free Pact Alliance (FPA) and Zogilia Republic. After he shows high compatibility with an FPA pilot named Dio Weinberg, the two perform a successful "coupling," allowing them to share experiences and subsequently increase their capabilities and skills. Although Aoba is able to survive this unexpected battle, he is taken into custody by the FPA ship Cygnus, who wishes to interrogate him. While the student's main concern is whether he will ever be able to return home, what he doesn't realize is that he is about to get caught up in a war to protect the world.
Winter 2014
TV anime adaptation based on the undead idol character Francesca to promote Hokkaido, Japan.
(Source: MAL News)
Summer 2014
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls
Uzuki Shimamura is an aspiring student who dreams of being an idol. After failing her first audition, a producer from 346 Productions tells Uzuki that she has been chosen for the "Cinderella Project," a new idol group. The project, however, still lacks two other members, so the producer needs to scout suitable candidates.
The producer's eyes fall upon Rin Shibuya, who is in the midst of an incident with an upset crowd. As the imposing producer defends her, the two of them are taken in for interrogation by the police, and released after some explanation. Taking this opportunity, he scouts Rin for the Cinderella Project, only to be rejected. Will the producer be able to find two more members for his idol group?
Winter 2015
Tribe Cool Crew
Haneru Tobitatsu is a hyperactive middle schooler with a passion for dancing. Inspired by his idol Jey El, the hottest star in the world of dancing, Haneru practices outside Memorial Hall every day after school. Unbeknownst to him, his "secret" practice sessions are being watched by Kanon Otosaki—her true identity being the famous online dancer, Rhythm—who also frequents the same location for practice. When Haneru finds out about this, he shows an immediate interest in teaming up with her.
Slowly realizing the joy of performing with others, the duo makes their way into the world of street dancing, where they meet Kumonosuke, Mizuki, and Yuzuru, ultimately forming the dance group "Tribe Cool Crew." As they face off against tough competition, they strive to one day realize their dream of sharing the stage with Jey El.
Fall 2014
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 2nd Season
Summer 2015