Monster Strike The Animation
The Angelic Guard, who call the heavens their home, have been tasked with collecting the orbs scattered across the world. Lucifer—a leader of the Angelic Guard with a rebellious streak, said to wield power rivaling the Almighty—carries out her duty along with Uriel, also a leader of the guard. Together, they go about executing their mission, until Holy Magistrate Keter—the one who leads the heavens under the Almighty's will—tells Uriel of Lucifer's planned rebellion. Initially in disbelief, Uriel then learns that the accusations against Lucifer may be connected to an event that once threatened to shatter the heavens.
(Source: Official YouTube Channel)
Winter 2018
Ninja Collection
Set in modern-day Tokyo where dreams and desires are afloat, a group of ninjas called "Toukeshuu" is set to stop the spread of "darkness" that prevails in the world using ancient techniques passed down through generations.
(Source: MAL News)
Summer 2020
Yami Shibai
The mysterious, yellow-masked Storyteller is a man whose true name and origin are both unknown. He appears at dusk where children gather and recites sinister tales based on Japanese urban legends, to which his young audience eerily intakes. However, the Storyteller is no ordinary teller of tales. He incorporates a kamishibai, a traditional paper-scrolling device, to add visuals to his already demented narration.
A series of short horror stories, Yami Shibai begins with a bachelor who, after moving into a new apartment, immediately starts sensing a malevolent glare being pressed into him. A single talisman rests on his ceiling, but he has no way of knowing it is one of the few safeguards that separate him from a bottomless pit of suffering. Each story is more terrifying, more appalling, and more sickening than the last as the Storyteller's audience find themselves being sucked into the vicious world of his words.
Summer 2013
Onara Gorou
Onara Gorou follows the everyday life of Gorou, the "most admirable of farts," as he solves problems in ways that only a fart can.
(Source: ANN)
Summer 2016