Futarigurashi follows an aspiring erotic mangaka named Kenji Aoyama. In order to pay rent his friend's younger brother, Hikari Satou, offers to become his roommate. However it turns out that "he" in almost every way is a girl! The series revolves around Kenji and Hikari getting involved with various women.
Spring 1998
Cyborg Kuro-chan
Kuro is just an ordinary cat who only wants to protect his owners who are an old couple that can't fend for themselves. One day while on a date with his girlfriend Pooly who is a dog, he is kidnapped by an evil scientist and turned into a robot. Kuro somehow removes the chip that controlled him and notices that people get scared with his new robotic appearance and that he can now talk like a human. He decides to disguise himself with the skin of a stuffed toy and to continue living as a pet.
(Source: ANN)
Fall 1999